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Schlauchwissen / Hose Knowledge

Correct Use of Hoses

Correct Use of Hoses

The proper use of hoses is essential to ensure the safety and reliability of your hose system and application. A correctly selected hose and correct use minimises risks such as leaks, bursts or other failures that can lead to hazards or high costs. Of course, proper use also increases the efficiency of the entire system.
Pressure & Vacuum Behaviour of Hoses

Pressure & Vacuum Behaviour of Hoses

Hoses are used in many applications, whether for transporting raw materials, gases or liquids. It is important that the hoses used can withstand physical conditions such as vacuum and pressure.
Maschine, Schraube, Maschine, Schraube

Electrostatics & Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances (TRGS)

In industrial environments, it is important to reduce the risk of electrostatic charges, especially when using materials that are flammable or explosive. To avoid ignition sources, the Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances (TRGS) provide a comprehensive set of regulations.
Spule, Spirale

Hose Guidelines (Complete Overview)

In the Hose Guideline you will find all the information about our products bundled in one blog post. From general knowledge such as storage and transport to temperature behaviour, conductivity, food suitability and much more!